They're right. ^_^
Three months of preparation and we haven't covered much of the essentials -- our guest list is at its first draft, we have yet to personally invite our principal sponsors, draft the invitation design, close deals with the caterer, photographer, florist, etc etc etc.
My officemate, a fellow UP graduate, has an explanation to this: "Tayong mga taga-UP ay magaling sa cramming." Well, it's hard to disagree with someone who can list a hundred cases and experiences to prove that point.
Anyway, that three months were mainly spent for scouting ideas and learning about wedding preps.
And so into the fray we go.

We will definitely be going back in the coming days.
Joining the Wedding @ Work egroup has also been a lot of help, that is if you don't mind getting over 300 emails every day. I think we'll be lurker-status in this group forever because there's not enough time to write when it takes the entire time just reading through half of the messages.
Oh and there's pamamanhikan coming up this end of October. We've been given tips by those who went through it: we must have a script, and rehearse on how to present our plans to our folks.
Should I bring the laptop and projector? ^_^